PU foam slabs

Slabs of polyurethane foam are widely used in the construction industry for thermal insulation of roofs, walls, floors, foundations and ceilings. Strong heat-insulating properties of this material significantly reduce heat loss and energy consumption.

Polyurethane foam slabs are made by pouring “rigid polyurethane foam” into the mold. Ready-made products have a flat surface, a homogeneous structure and a regular form.

The standard slab dimensions are 1200 * 600 mm; the thickness varies from 18 to 180 mm.

PU foam slabs can be used to insulate almost any flat surface. They are installed using construction glue or plastic dowels pins.
PU foam slabs can be made with fiberglass or foil coating for outdoor use (for protection against UV light).

127238, Россия, Москва, Дмитровское шоссе, дом 71Б, Бизнес-Центр «7ONE», офис 728
Телефон: +7 (800) 777-10-91
Почта: info@z-tgi.ru

Цена от 20 000 руб

Advantages of using PU foam slabs: • easy machining of the products • easy dismantling and possible multiple use • small weight, which gives a minimum load on the frame structure

Расчет скорлупы ППУ

  • Диаметр трубы, мм
    Введите диаметр
  • Толщина скорлупы ППУ, мм
  • Длина скорлупы, м
  • Количество комплектов, шт.
  • Плотность, кг/м3
  • Объем скорлуп ППУ, м3
  • Вес скорлуп ППУ, кг
  • Площадь покрывного слоя, м2

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